Monday, November 19, 2007

22 - Unless rhetoric ends, America will implode

The following letter was published on November 19, 2007 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

I think voters want to hear from politicians they recognize that America's house needs to be put back in to order; the low poll ratings should be a wake-up call for all politicians to have the courage to steer away from focus grouping and get to the crucial points of urgency facing our nation.

The power to end the Iraq war was in the power to end the funding; many of us feel it was a mistake not to because of the rising cost of oil, the housing slump, the decreasing dollar value and that nonstop rhetoric from the Bush administration escalating tension in the world.

A real change is moving away from cocky politicians like Condoleezza Rice, who is talented in dodging the reality side of a question with all smoke and mirrors with the pretense that the real side is relative.

A real change begins when we hear the truth from our presidential hopefuls that if the war in Iraq doesn't end soon, America could be in danger of falling from inside.