Thursday, August 19, 2004

4 - A question of timing on going to war

The following letter was published on August 18, 2004 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

The question concerning which presidential candidate will be willing to pull the trigger should not be the question. The question should be: Who has the wisdom to know when?

Many of us know why John Kerry voted to give George Bush the power and tool, if needed, to go to war. Many of us would like to hear something like the following from John Kerry:

"As a war veteran, I voted for the president to go to war to strengthen his hand. As a senator and a veteran, I had hope he would have played his hand wisely. George Bush's rush to war was not out of wisdom. It was out of arrogance."

Monday, August 02, 2004

3 - Inspired by speakers at the Boston convention

The following letter was published on August 2, 2004 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

The performance of Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention reminded so many of us of John Kennedy, Dr. M. L. King, and Robert Kennedy.

Obama’s spirited speech July 27 transcended and radiated a kind of hope that was lost in the assassinations. Those of us who admire Ted Kennedy knew he would speak his mind. We were not disappointed.

Like Obama, Teresa Heinz Kerry was a pleasant surprise. She spoke with wisdom and sincerity. She left many thinking how lucky John Kerry is, and how lucky the country would be to have her as a first lady.