Monday, February 12, 2007

18 - Vote to invade Iraq won't be forgiven

The following letter was published on February 12, 2007 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

At this moment in time, talking about ending the war in Iraq will not win the election for some of the candidates running for president.

For many of us, the next vote for the presidency will not be a vote against George Bush, but a vote for bringing closure, sanity, compassion and wisdom back to a nation that lost its way.

George Bush may have pulled the trigger, but his accomplices – the ones who cast a vote for him to invade Iraq – gave him the power. Blood is on their hands as well.

This is not the time for those who cast a vote for Bush to invade Iraq to play politics. So many limbs have been lost, so many lives have been taken, and so many faces and bodies have been burned. Those of us who understood the consequences of invading a nation with hate-filled factions will not forgive those who cast a vote to invade Iraq unless they are willing to put impeachment on the table.


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