Thursday, September 29, 2005

10 - Wanted in the U.S.A.: wisdom, compassion

The following letter was published on September 29, 2005 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

I'm amazed at how the slow response to Hurricane Katrina has somehow been turned around to look as if it were a communication problem between the federal government and the Louisiana state government. Mr. Bush took many trips to New Orleans, and the appearance of being on top of the Rita storm has a type of melodrama that may play well with his base while insulting the intelligence of clear minds.

The thought of putting the Pentagon in control of national disasters is a ploy, maybe, concocted by Karl Rove as a fear mechanism to distract and divide the public momentarily. Controlling the message and providing an illusion seem to be the Bush signature. The Republican Party machine has done a remarkable job at silencing compassion and wisdom by making them out to be liberal traits.

I believe Hurricane Katrina revealed to this country and the world that compassion and wisdom are desperately needed in a country that has been without them so long.