Tuesday, October 19, 2004

8 - Is it time for a change of leadership?

The following letter was published on October 18, 2004 by
The Cape Cod Times
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Angela Lebeau’s Oct.12 letter, “U.N. has forfeited any right to respect”, replied to my Oct 6 letter "An Old West parable on Kerry's global test". With all due respect to Ms. Lebeau, her following questions to me - asking why I haven't “criticized the United Nations for foot-dragging in Sudan, where thousands are dying, and for the cover-up regarding the oil-for-food debacle in Iraq” - seem to be right out of George Bush’s toolbox of denials and excuses for invading Iraq.

Like many, I have witnessed the movement of the goal post as it became clear that no weapons of mass destruction were found.

I challenge Ms. Lebeau to not look for wrongs in other nations to justify our leader's wrongs. Ask, is it time for a change of leadership?


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